In less than a month I will be releasing the second issue of my magazine, Stories by Six. If you haven’t read the first issue, check it out here. I will be reaching out to people at the end of the week and get these in your hands soon!

Issue 002 will be entitled Serenity and features an in depth conversation with my good friend and fellow creative, Brian Dunn. He dropped some major gems as we discussed industry politics and inspiration. Stay tuned to the rollout as I begin to preview a few snippets from our discussion and more!

Issue 002 cover photo is by Brian as well. One of my favorite photos from his catalog. Forever grateful to have Brian be part of this release and share this monumental moment with me. Thank you again Brian! As you can see below, it was difficult to choose between the final three images for the cover photo. I think I made the right choice that fits the theme.

All in all. I’m not sure where this magazine thing is going but I’m in it for the long haul. The fact that I’m able to use my voice and inspire others means a lot. Plus I’m just having fun piecing this together. I have a plan and I’m confident on the execution. See below for the cover of, Issue 002 - Stories by Six Magazine.