BLM Series Volume I (Living in America)

I’ve been working on this Black Lives Matter series for a few months now. I held back on numerous release dates waiting for that right moment. Wondering how should I package everything. Wondering what others may say. Finding the right organization to donate to and so forth. My good brother, DeNiro, sent me this track by Sault , “Living in America”. Told me to give it a good listen and once I pressed play everything started to click. I would have this song on repeat throughout the day wondering what can I do to better myself and my community.

With that being said, I've put together this series that includes 6 fine art prints and an introduction piece to The Raw Files tour shirt. I want to say thank you to Pistol “Young Choppa” Pierce for taking my alley-oop and finishing strong on this piece. You truly brought my vision to life times a million. I also want to thank my wife for holding me accountable to go out to shoot as much as possible. Thank you for your continued support and holding down the family at all times.

Proceeds from this collection will be donated to the Excellence in Education Foundation (EEF) for Prince George's County Public Schools. As a product of PG County, I look forward to finally giving back to my community with this series. The youth is the future!

Release day will be Wednesday, 29th at 7pm EST. Stay tuned tomorrow as I make an introduction to the pieces that will be up for sale.