BLM Series Update

What a busy week! I finally was able to release the first issue of my magazine. I had this idea for about 5 years and was finally able to get myself together and release it. It took me a little over 2 months to put it together and find the direction to go with. I don’t consider myself a writer at all. I wanted to keep it minimal and let the work speak for itself. Positive reactions all around, so thank you to everyone who had the time to read it. Right now I’m currently finding the best solution to printing and binding the hardcopies. I was hoping to have hardcopies printed and ready to go for free with the series orders, but time wasn’t completely on my side. If you haven’t had the chance to view my magazine yet, you may do so here.

Last night was a success for my first series. We raised a little over $600 for the Excellence in Education Foundation for Prince George’s County Public Schools. The series will be closed until either all prints are sold or by August 7. My goal is to hit $1,000. I think that is easily obtainable. Thank you to everyone who has personally invested into the youth future in PG County! If you haven’t had time to visit the web store, please do so. Here is a preview of a few items up for sale.