Dear God (002) - Pray

These episodes are getting harder and heavier to edit. I’ve planned out the first 6 episodes but man, it’s difficult as hell reliving these moments. The footage you’ll see was taken 2 days after my fifth round of chemo. I was going through it mentally. Mind caving in, drowning in my own thoughts. I took these photos in between round 5 & 6 which explains that void I was feeling during this stage. This was the start of a dark journey for myself that I’m still struggling today.

Episode 3 will take some time as that one discusses some dark moments during my cancer journey. And to be honest, I have no timeline on when that will air but when it does, just take a deep breath before pressing play. Sure many will relate.

Thank you for taking the time to be part of my journey by simply pressing play. Peace and love ya’ll.