Capturing Passion and Purpose: Behind the Scenes with Lifepoint Worship

Filming behind the scenes with Lifepoint Worship was a dream come true for me. As a camera operator, I had the privilege to work with a talented production team and capture some amazing footage for their upcoming release. The first single, "Alive Again," was a powerful song that conveyed a message of hope and renewal. And we were determined to capture that spirit in our video.

To achieve this, we used a 5 camera setup with Blackmagic cameras, which allowed us to capture different angles and perspectives of the performance. As a camera operator, I was responsible for capturing some of these unique shots, which required precision and a keen eye for detail.

But I also wanted to capture some behind the scenes footage to give viewers a glimpse into the production process. So, I brought my personal Sony FX30 on a vertical rig setup to capture this footage. This allowed me to move around the set and capture candid moments of the crew and artists preparing for the shoot.

Additionally, I used my Leica Q2 to capture production stills, which helped to document the process and create some beautiful images that we could use for promotional purposes.

One thing that struck me during this shoot was the dedication and passion of the production team and artists. They were committed to creating something special and put in countless hours of hard work to bring their vision to life. And this made me think about the importance of pursuing your passion and moving towards your purpose.

I believe that everyone has potential, but it's up to us to recognize it and cultivate it through our patterns and habits. This requires self-reflection and a willingness to step out of our comfort zones to try new things and take risks.

But it's also important to have faith and trust in the journey. There will be setbacks and challenges along the way, but if we stay true to our calling, we can overcome them and achieve our goals.

Overall, filming behind the scenes with Lifepoint Worship was an incredible experience that reminded me of the power of music and the importance of pursuing our passions. I hope that our video captures that spirit and inspires others to pursue their dreams with dedication and faith.