Behind the Scenes - B800

My bro Brett launched a technical sportswear line, Barrage800. I’ve had the opportunity to wear the pieces during workouts and leisure and I can honestly say, it’s pretty damn fire. He really prioritized quality in these technical pieces.

I’ve had the chance to lead his creative media side and assist in producing some amazing content with my friend Raul behind the director’s chair. We’ve put together some serious quality content over the past few months. Check out some behind the scene stills below featuring Brett & Markell. And be sure to follow the brand via Instagram @barrage800

Behind the Scenes - LP Worship (Live Rehearsal)

Easily one of my favorite highlights of our production shoots this year. Recently, I had the incredible opportunity to delve behind the scenes of LP Worship's rehearsal for their upcoming album (scheduled for live recording in April). What made this experience even more special was having my daughter alongside me. Together, we captured some memorable moments, and I'm thrilled to share some photos below, bts video to follow soon.

Behind the Scenes - Easter Unveiled

As Easter approaches, we're thrilled to unveil our latest films! Working alongside fellow creatives who share the same passion and vision is truly a blessing. Take a sneak peek at what went down behind the scenes below!

Behind the Scenes - LP Christmas 2023

What an incredible weekend it has been! A total of 355 people made the life-changing decision to embrace Jesus, and the collective impact of our efforts is truly remarkable. It was so dope to have been part of this transformative experience alongside this incredible team. Serving for a greater purpose and assisting others on their journey towards a meaningful next step is truly fulfilling. Below, you'll find some behind the scenes clips that capture the essence of this Lifepoint Christmas experience.

Behind the Scenes - Sneak Peak into our Pre-Recording Sunday Service

To show some love to our hardworking Dream Team volunteers, who give their all week after week, we decided they needed a well-earned break. We decided to pre-record Sunday service in advance. Check out a sneak peek with these behind-the-scenes photos below!

The Making of 'Hot Wings' with Lifepoint's Dynamic Duo

Had a blast with this one—our take on the Hot Ones, we call it 'Hot Wings.' Teaming up with the Youth crew, we featured Pastor Daniel and Youth Director Dakari. The twist? Usually, it's the guest in the hot seat, but this time, our host was feeling the burn, big time, haha. Such a hilarious and fun shoot. Check out some snaps below for a peek behind the scenes!

Behind the Scenes of My Son's Debut with Lifepoint

Had a blast watching my son dive into acting. First time, and he killed it, even doing some voice work for our Christmas promo. He's been hands-on in our shoots—setting up, doing some slating—slowly carving his spot on the team. Even though it was something minor, it’s always major in my book. BTS photos below along with the promo video.

Capturing the Spirit: Behind the Scenes at Lifepoint's December News

A behind the scenes look at December’s Lifepoint news. Witness the dedication and joy that goes into bringing you the latest updates here at Lifepoint.

BTS of Rosa's Unfiltered Resilience

Imagine this: an intimate setting, with a spotlight on Rosa, sharing her journey. It was raw, real, and deeply touching. I was lucky enough to be there, snapping behind-the-scenes moments that added an extra layer to Rosa's story. Her laughter between takes, the deep breaths before sharing vulnerable parts – it was all there. These behind-the-scenes glimpses gave Rosa's already powerful story an unfiltered authenticity.

Rosa's resilience struck a chord with everyone present, echoing the theme of strength in unity. Now, these captured moments, these authentic bits of Rosa's life, are tucked into the end of this post. Rosa's story at Flavour Women Conference wasn't just a talk; it was a shared experience, reminding us all that we're part of something bigger.

Praise the Roof - BTS of LP Worship Team Carpool Karaoke Spoof

Early morning fun and laughs. The team put together a hilarious Carpool Karaoke spoof and I was able to witness all the action. We used three GoPro cameras (Max & 2-9's) - mounted on the dashboard of the car, and Sennheiser microphones to capture the audio. Hilarious script and the end result is a fun and entertaining video that's sure to make everyone laugh. Check out some stills below.

Proud Father Moment: My Son as a Production Assistant

As a father, there's nothing quite like the feeling of seeing your child take an interest in something you're passionate about. That's why I was beyond proud when my 9-year-old son, Benjamin, expressed an interest in joining me on the Lifepoint News set during his spring break.

For his first time on set, he was given the important role of production assistant, slating. As an introvert, I could see the nervousness in his eyes as we walked onto the set, but he quickly adapted and became comfortable. Watching him grow and become more confident throughout the day was a truly amazing experience.

It was clear from the moment we arrived on set that my son was intrigued by everything he saw. He nervously asked me questions on the side and was hands-on in every aspect of his job. Even changed the scene and takes without me telling him (the small things). It was a joy to see him take such an interest in the work and immerse himself in the production process.

One of the things that struck me the most was how my son quickly bonded with the other members of the crew. Despite being a bit shy at first, he quickly warmed up to everyone and became an integral part of the team. I could see the pride on his face as he watched the news anchors deliver their lines and perform multiple takes. From our conversation post-shoot “That’s cool they get to make mistakes.” I chuckled and said “Of course, it’s okay to mess up. That’s what makes it fun. We laugh and keep it going.” He appreciates knowing that he had played a small but important role in the production.

As a father, it's incredibly rewarding to see your child find their place in the world. For my son, being on set was an eye-opening experience that allowed him to explore his interests and take the first steps towards discovering his own passions. Seeing him thrive in that environment was an experience that I will never forget.

I am incredibly proud of Ben for taking the initiative to join me and for the amazing job he did as a production assistant. It's clear that he has a bright future ahead of him, and I can't wait to see what he accomplishes next. Many thanks to Jared, Kenny and Heather for cheering him on and allowing him to be part of the team for the day.

The Power of Testimony: Behind the Scenes of Lifepoint Easter Testimonial Video Shoot

Easter is a time of reflection and celebration for Christians all over the world. It’s a time to remember the sacrifice that Jesus made on the cross and the hope that his resurrection brings. And what better way to celebrate this momentous occasion than by sharing testimonies of how Christ has transformed our lives?

Recently, I had the privilege of filming behind the scenes of an Easter testimonial video shoot at Lifepoint. As a creative, I love capturing moments and telling stories through my lens. And this was no exception.

The testimonies I heard were truly epic. I was in awe of how God had worked in the lives of the people sharing their stories. From overcoming addiction to healing from illness, each person had a powerful testimony of how Christ had transformed their lives.

As I listened to these stories, I couldn't help but think about how many lives would be impacted by these testimonies. How many people would be inspired to take that next step in their faith journey? How many people would find hope and healing through the power of Christ?

But it wasn't just the stories that impacted me. I also had the opportunity to share my own testimony. As someone who has experienced the transformative power of Christ in my own life, it was an honor to share my story with others.

Through sharing our stories, we have the opportunity to encourage and inspire others. We have the ability to share the hope that we have found in Christ and to let others know that they are not alone in their struggles.

As I reflect on this experience, I am reminded of the power of testimony. It's not just about sharing our stories, but about the impact that those stories can have on others. It's about allowing others to see the transformative power of Christ in our lives and inspiring them to take that next step in their faith journey.

So, as we approach this Easter season, let us remember the power of testimony. Let us take the opportunity to share our stories and inspire others to take that next step in their own journey. Because who knows how many lives can be changed by the power of one story?

Capturing Passion and Purpose: Behind the Scenes with Lifepoint Worship

Filming behind the scenes with Lifepoint Worship was a dream come true for me. As a camera operator, I had the privilege to work with a talented production team and capture some amazing footage for their upcoming release. The first single, "Alive Again," was a powerful song that conveyed a message of hope and renewal. And we were determined to capture that spirit in our video.

To achieve this, we used a 5 camera setup with Blackmagic cameras, which allowed us to capture different angles and perspectives of the performance. As a camera operator, I was responsible for capturing some of these unique shots, which required precision and a keen eye for detail.

But I also wanted to capture some behind the scenes footage to give viewers a glimpse into the production process. So, I brought my personal Sony FX30 on a vertical rig setup to capture this footage. This allowed me to move around the set and capture candid moments of the crew and artists preparing for the shoot.

Additionally, I used my Leica Q2 to capture production stills, which helped to document the process and create some beautiful images that we could use for promotional purposes.

One thing that struck me during this shoot was the dedication and passion of the production team and artists. They were committed to creating something special and put in countless hours of hard work to bring their vision to life. And this made me think about the importance of pursuing your passion and moving towards your purpose.

I believe that everyone has potential, but it's up to us to recognize it and cultivate it through our patterns and habits. This requires self-reflection and a willingness to step out of our comfort zones to try new things and take risks.

But it's also important to have faith and trust in the journey. There will be setbacks and challenges along the way, but if we stay true to our calling, we can overcome them and achieve our goals.

Overall, filming behind the scenes with Lifepoint Worship was an incredible experience that reminded me of the power of music and the importance of pursuing our passions. I hope that our video captures that spirit and inspires others to pursue their dreams with dedication and faith.

BTS w/ Lifepoint News

Happy new year ya’ll! A lot has been going on, but I’ll get to that in a later post.

To kick off the new year here are some behind the scenes photos from our news segment here at Lifepoint. Such an amazing team to work with! (Raúl, Jared, Jamicah, Dak & Cass)