Proud Father Moment: My Son as a Production Assistant

As a father, there's nothing quite like the feeling of seeing your child take an interest in something you're passionate about. That's why I was beyond proud when my 9-year-old son, Benjamin, expressed an interest in joining me on the Lifepoint News set during his spring break.

For his first time on set, he was given the important role of production assistant, slating. As an introvert, I could see the nervousness in his eyes as we walked onto the set, but he quickly adapted and became comfortable. Watching him grow and become more confident throughout the day was a truly amazing experience.

It was clear from the moment we arrived on set that my son was intrigued by everything he saw. He nervously asked me questions on the side and was hands-on in every aspect of his job. Even changed the scene and takes without me telling him (the small things). It was a joy to see him take such an interest in the work and immerse himself in the production process.

One of the things that struck me the most was how my son quickly bonded with the other members of the crew. Despite being a bit shy at first, he quickly warmed up to everyone and became an integral part of the team. I could see the pride on his face as he watched the news anchors deliver their lines and perform multiple takes. From our conversation post-shoot “That’s cool they get to make mistakes.” I chuckled and said “Of course, it’s okay to mess up. That’s what makes it fun. We laugh and keep it going.” He appreciates knowing that he had played a small but important role in the production.

As a father, it's incredibly rewarding to see your child find their place in the world. For my son, being on set was an eye-opening experience that allowed him to explore his interests and take the first steps towards discovering his own passions. Seeing him thrive in that environment was an experience that I will never forget.

I am incredibly proud of Ben for taking the initiative to join me and for the amazing job he did as a production assistant. It's clear that he has a bright future ahead of him, and I can't wait to see what he accomplishes next. Many thanks to Jared, Kenny and Heather for cheering him on and allowing him to be part of the team for the day.