Finding Hope in the Journey: Reflections

As I celebrated my one year of being cancer-free, I couldn't help but reflect on the journey that brought me here. It was a journey of ups and downs, of triumphs and defeats, and of hope and despair. During this first year, I was hospitalized multiple times, each time having to start over and over again. It was a frustrating and discouraging experience that took a toll on me mentally.

At times, I found myself battling suicidal thoughts. I couldn't help but wonder if this was what life had in store for me. Was I destined to fight this battle forever? Would I ever be able to find my purpose again? These were questions that consumed me and left me feeling lost and empty.

But in the midst of all this darkness, there was a glimmer of hope. I turned to prayer, talking with my wife, and reading. I spent more time at church, attending events, and eventually serving with the Film team. It was through serving that I found my love for filmmaking and photography had grown tremendously. Just creating for the love of it.

It was through serving a bigger purpose that I was able to align a lot of things up for myself. I wanted to keep my faith strong, be consistent with my goals, and just help others. Being an inspiration to others and spreading hope among the community became my purpose.

And as I move forward on this journey, I found that things do get better. My relationship with God is stronger, and my soul is being fulfilled throughout the week. I continue to strengthen my relationship with my family as well, knowing that they had seen me at my lowest and that it had taken a toll on them mentally. We are still navigating, but life gets better each day.

Looking back on my journey, I realize that finding my purpose again was not an easy journey. It required me to be vulnerable, to ask for help, and to believe that things could get better. But I am here, alive and well, and that is something to be grateful for. And if my journey can inspire even one person to not lose hope, then it was all worth it.