Aspire to Inspire: Kun Ye (My Sister)

Right now I’m posted up in front of the crib watching the kids play on their new water slide and vibing to some Tems. It’s about 90 degrees and the sun will begin to set soon. When my day ends beautifully like this I like to reflect. Today’s reflection is about family. Yes I know, this will be a Vin Diesel moment, hahah. Ever since my cancer diagnosis I’ve noticed friends come and go and even distant themselves from me. Everyone deals with things different, in which I understand. I know my life is heavy as is so I don’t expect the world to bow down to me. What I do love is how my family has become closer and stronger than ever. I pray with my mom every morning at 9:30am, I see my dad nearly every day, and my sis has always picked up on the first call whenever I needed her.

It’s been a busy 24 hours. I’ve been helping my sister more with her business (Char-Koo) and it’s been dope as hell. Anything to keep my mind busy these days. My sister launched her charcuterie business at the height of COVID and it has grown tremendously, we launched our family private label (Kunye Wine) and now she has expanded her business into floral arrangements. My sister wears many hats, not only is she managing her own businesses but she is also a full-time Principal at the number 1 high school in DC, Friendship Prep Tech. Talk about aspire to inspire! Did I mention she is also a full-time mom?

I’ve always looked up to my big sis growing up, even taught myself how to ride a bike when I was 4 just so I can follow her and her fiends around the neighborhood, lol. During the past 24 hours I had the chance to just talk with my sister and learn more on her goals and the hurdles she has faced as a black/korean female in this hospitality industry. Our conversations ranged from task management, community support and coping with stress when under pressure. My sister has a lot of damn drive and the hunger for more. It’s been unbelievable to witness in person. And the community support she has behind her is phenomenal.

I love seeing a brand grow, especially organically, and I’ll always root for the home team. But when it’s your sister, your family, it hits different. Just wanted to put the spotlight on her and just say how proud I am to see her continued growth. I can’t wait to see what God blesses her with next. Let’s keep it going and get this farm/acres next!