Holidays + Life Update

The holidays are here. This year has been a wild ride. My surgery was suppose to be on the 30th but due to COVID it got pushed back a week. Silver lining, I get to spend time with my family and bring in the new year with them, especially my daughter and father as they share the same birthday (January 1). Not going to lie, I was super sad about having to bring in the new year by myself. But God has a way of answering your prayers. Grateful to bring in 2022 with my family. With that being said, Christmas was different. Pops called and said this year is canceled due to COVID, especially with my surgery around the corner. Grateful I still was able to see them, mom and pops dropped off a huge buffet of food for us. Was unable to see my sister and her family but glad technology allows us to see each other virtually. We did a drive-by to my in-laws crib. That was super emotional in itself. But all in all, I’m taking things a day at a time. Constantly praying, meditating and spending time with family. Grateful to have them by my side and all my close friends who have constantly checked-in. I’m in great hands. Spirits are high and I’m super confident I’ll be cancer free by Summer 2022. It’s a long journey with surgery and more chemo sessions but we can’t let these numbers and stages define you. There are so many battle stories out there. My heart goes out to everyone especially the children. You guys are the true warriors. We can overcome this, stay positive and take things a day at a time. And as my wife always says, give yourself grace. I know I’m super hard on myself and get overwhelmed with simple shit I forget or miss a step on. But give yourself grace in anything you do. Continue to love yourself and show love when you can. Life is truly fragile.

I also would like to dedicate this post to my good brother Brett and the Pierce family. We lost a true brethren, Sean recently. He was such a great inspiration in our lives. I know you are watching over all of us and guiding us on this path called life. Just want to say happy early birthday big bro. Love you and continue to fill everyone hearts with the love you showed us over the years. You are missed bro. Love always.